ParenTeen – The Kids Are Not All Right

As an old Italian proverb puts it: “Little children, headache; Big children, heartache.” Continuing the rich and juicy conversation of Parenting from last week, we will move into the interesting and provocative stages of adolescence and teens. As much as...

Parent Trap

It may be that the feeling of needing another kind of child to love visits all of us as parents from time to time, when things feel particularly challenging. But if we go deeper we may find that, after all, we can know and love well the children who are ours to love....
Fear Factor

Fear Factor

Some of us call it anxiety; others call it worry; and then there are those who won’t call it anything at all. And yet, if we are honest with ourselves, we have to admit that we live out our lives on an ocean of fear. Whether this angst comes to us as fear of death,...

The Anger Games

When a farmer uses a kind of fertilizer that does not have any effect, he has to change the soil. The same is true for us. We have to change the way we tend to the rich soil that is our Anger. At the moment we become angry, our anger plays its own games. It makes us...

Love and other Difficulties

Love is that which calls up all that is not love in order to be healed. Relationships break us open! We connect and we disconnect; we have intimacy and we have isolation. We get injured and we heal in relationship. One of the greatest vehicles for self-awareness is...